Short Stories

On this page you will find a growing collection of short stories. Some expand the worlds and characters of my two published novels, some explore fresh ideas, set within the past, the present and the future. I intend to add a new story every two weeks so do come back. In the meantime, get yourself a cup of tea, pull up a chair, and I hope you enjoy them. And, if you do, please let me know via social media or drop me a message via my contacts page.

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Many of these stories feature secondary characters and locations from The Dynamite Room and Devastation Road, although you don’t need to have read the novels to (hopefully) enjoy them.


These stories are all set in the present, or thereabouts. Some of these are quite autobiographical, others - as you will hopefully note - are not. One so far, and more being added!



No writer likes to be pigeonholed into a particular genre so I think the less said about these stories up front the better, but hopefully you find some pleasure in them.

(Coming soon.)